Japanese |
Title | 7. 体外循環中の皮下組織ガス変化 |
Subtitle | 誌上シンポジウム 体外循環の現況 |
Authors | 木下修*, 青木彰** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *兵庫県立姫路循環器病センター麻酔科, **兵庫医科大学麻酔学教室 |
Journal | 循環制御 |
Volume | 4 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 220-225 |
Year/Month | 1983/ |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本循環制御研究会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」体外循環中の末梢循環指標として医用質量分析装置を用い皮下組織酸素分圧(RTO2), 炭酸ガス分圧(PTCO2)の連続測定を行った. 一定灌流量下における灌流圧やchlorpromazine phenylephrineの投与の影響をPTO2, PTCO2から検討した. 灌流量が十分であっても灌流圧を70〜80mmHgに保つことがPTO2からみれば必要である. PTCO2への灌流圧の影響は見い出せなかった. Chlorpromazine投与は灌流圧の低下をきたせばPTO2の低下をきたす, 灌流量が十分であるのに低灌流圧のときはα-stimulantを使用してでも灌流圧を保つことが必要である. Chlorpromazine, phenylephrineのPTCO2への影響は見い出せなかった. 「はじめに」体外循環中の末梢循環指標として, 中枢-末梢深部温度較差1)や, 混合静脈血酸素分圧(PVO2), 動脈-混合静脈血酸素含量較差(a-VDO2)など血液ガスを主体とする酸素供給面からの検討2), 血中乳酸値, アンギオテンシンII濃度などの代謝面からの検討3), 末梢血管抵抗など血行動態の面からの検討4), がなされている. |
Practice | 基礎医学・関連科学 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Continuous Measurement of Subcutaneous Tissue Gas Tension during Cardiopulmonary Bypass |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Osamu Kinoshita*, Akira Aoki** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Dept. of Anesth., Himeji Brain and Heart Center, Himeji, **Dept. of Anesth., Hyogo Medical College, Nishinomiya |
Journal | Circulation Control |
Volume | 4 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 220-225 |
Year/Month | 1983/ |
Article | Report |
Publisher | Japan Society of Circulation Control |
Abstract | Subcutaneous tissue gas tension (PTO2, P CO2) was continuously measured using medical massspectrometer as the indicator of peripheral tissue perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass. Under the constant flow volume, the effects of perfusion pressure, chlorpromazine or phenylephrine was evaluated from the view point of PTO2 and PTCO2, Considering the value of PTO2, it is necessary to maintain the perfusion pressure at the level of 70〜80mmHg even if the perfusion volume is sufficient. On the other hand, the level of PTCO2 was not affected by the change of perfusion pressure. The administration of chlorpromazine develops the drop of perfusion pressure followed by the drop of PTO2. It is required to maintain the perfusion pressure at the suitable level even by the aid of α-stimulant in case of low perfusion pressure with sufficient perfusion volume. No effect of chlorpromazine and phenylephrine to PTCO2 was observed. |
Practice | Basic medicine |
Keywords | Subcutaneous tissue gas tension, Peripheral tissue perfusion, Cardiopulmonary bypass, Masspectrometer, Perfusion pressure |