Japanese |
Title | イソフルレン麻酔時の血流分布 |
Subtitle | |
Authors | 関口裕子 |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | 帝京大学麻酔科 |
Journal | 循環制御 |
Volume | 8 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 537-546 |
Year/Month | 1987/ |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本循環制御医学会 |
Abstract | 8頭のビーグル犬を使いイソフルレン麻酔中の心拍出量の各臓器への血流分布の変化をMicro sphere法により研究した. 覚醒時の血流分布を測定して, イソフルレンで麻酔しその深度を変えた時に血流分布がどの様に変化するかを測定, 比較した. 予備実験として左開胸術を行い左心房に, 又, 左大腿動脈より大動脈へカテーテルを留置した. 1週間後に覚醒時, 1MAC(1.4%), 2MAC(2.8%)の3段階の状態での血圧, 心拍数, 心拍出量, 動脈血ガスを測定し, 各々の段階でMicrosphere(85Sr, 51Cr, 141Ce)を注入して局所の血流量を測定した. 麻酔深度が深くなるにつれ, 血圧(MABP), 心係数(C.I.)は有意な低下を示した. しかし脳血流量, 心筋血流量, 腎血流量, 肝血流量は共によく保たれ, 特に脳, 心筋への血流分布率は増加を示した. これに反して皮膚, 骨格筋への血流量は1MACから有意に減少した. これらの血流量が低下することにより, 心拍出量の著明な減少にもかかわらず, 主要臓器への血流が維持されるものと推測された. |
Practice | 基礎医学・関連科学 |
Keywords | 血流分布, 臓器血流 |
English |
Title | Regional blood flow distribution during isoflurane anesthenia |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Hiroko Sekiguchi |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Anesthesiology, Teikyo University Medical School |
Journal | Circulation Control |
Volume | 8 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 537-546 |
Year/Month | 1987/ |
Article | Original article |
Publisher | Japan Society of Circulation Control |
Abstract | To examine the effects of isoflurane on systemic distribution of cardiac output, organ blood flow was measured in 6 isocapnic beagle dogs using 16−μm diameter radionuclide−labeled microspheres injected into the lelf atrium. Measurements were made on each dog during contral(awake), 1MAC(1.4% end−tidal)and 2MAC(2.8% end−tidal)isoflurane anestheria. Before on week, the operation was done to insert and leave the catheter into left atrium. Ascertaining the recovery of general condition, the measurement started as control(awake). Injection of microspheres, blood pressue, pulse rate and cardiac output(by dye−dilution method)were done. 1MAC of isoflurane anesthesia continued about 45 minutes, the same parameters were measured and microspheres were injected into left atrium. At 2MAC of isoflurane, same procedures were repeated. When 1MAC of isoflurane anesthesia continued about 45 minutes, the same parameters were measured and microspheres were injeted into left atrium. After 45 minutes of 2MAC isoflurane administration, the measurenmets were repeated. Mean blood pressure and cardiac output decreased in a dose−related manner during isoflurane anesthesia. Cerebral and coronary blood flow was rather maintained, but muscular and dermal blood flow showed a dose−related decrease. Hepatic artery blood flow was unchanged at both level of anesthesia. Interesting finding in this experiment was the maintenance of cerebral blood flow in severe decrease of blood pressure, which might suggest the usefulness of isoflurane in hypotensive anesthesia. |
Practice | Basic medicine |
Keywords | isoflurane, radioactive Inicrosphere, MAC |