Japanese |
Title | 出血ならびに輸血時の臓器血液量の経時的変化 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 福井明* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *川崎医科大学麻酔科学教室 |
Journal | 循環制御 |
Volume | 11 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 91-99 |
Year/Month | 1990/ |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本循環制御医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」VALMET社製脳血流測定装置を応用して, 出血ならびに輸血時における頭部, 胸部, 腹部, 大腿部の血液量の経時的変化を測定した. すなわち, 犬に10ml/kgの採血(出血)を2回くり返し, その10分後に採血血液をすべて輸血し, 以後80分間上記4部位の血液量を経時的に測定した. この結果, 頭部での血液量は, 出血後に出血前の94%に, 輸血後に98%にと軽度の変化を認めた. 胸部では同様に80%, 95%にと出血後に血液量は減少したが, 輸血後早期に回復した. 腹部では, 出血後に54%まで低下し, 輸血後80分でも74%までにしか回復しなかった. 大腿部では, 同様に78%まで低下し, 85%までにしか回復しなかった. 以上の結果, 出血時における臓器血液量の低下は, 腹部において最大で, 輸血により循環血液量の正常化が計られて, 心係数, 血圧, その他の循環諸因子が出血前値に回復しても, 腹部臓器血液量は回復しない事を認めた. |
Practice | 基礎医学・関連科学 |
Keywords | organ blood volume, hemorrage, retransfusion, 99mTc |
English |
Title | Changes in the blood volume of the cephalic, thoracic, abdominal and femoral regions following hemorrhage and transfusion |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Akira Fukui |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Anesthesiology Kawasaki Medical School |
Journal | Circulation Control |
Volume | 11 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 91-99 |
Year/Month | 1990/ |
Article | Original article |
Publisher | Japan Society of Circulation Control |
Abstract | Changes in the blood volume of the encephalic, thoracic, abdominal and femoral regions were determined by a cerebroflowmeter (VALMET BI 1400) at the time of hemorrage and subsequent transfusion. We withdrew 10 ml/kg of the blood twice (total 20 ml/kg) from a dog, and all of the blood was retransfused at the subsequent 10 minutes. In the meantime. the blood volumes in the four organs above were measured contineously. The blood volume in the encepalic region showed a slight change (decreases to 94% and 98% on hemorrage and retransfusion respectively). In the thoracic region, the blood volume decreased to 80% and 95% on hemorrage and retransfusion respectively. Early recovery was observed after retransfusion, namely from 80% to 96%. In the abdominal and femoral regions, the blood volume showed decreases to 54% and 78% after hemorrage and recovered only to 74% and 85% after retransfusion respectively. Those decrease in the blood volume remained until 80 minutes after. In none of these four organs, the blood volume following retransfusion recovered completely to the value before hemorrage. The decrease in organ blood volume at the time of hemorrage was greatest for the abdominal region, and the blood volume remained still at a low value even after the return of cardiac output and blood pressure to pre-hemorrage values. |
Practice | Basic medicine |
Keywords | organ blood volume, hemorrage, retransfusion, 99mTc |