Japanese |
Title | 胸部下行および胸腹部大動脈瘤手術時の麻酔管理―人工肺併用左心バイパスの有用性― |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 内田桂子*, 野村実*, 長沢千奈美*, 芦刈英理*, 吉田啓子*, 近藤泉*, 白井希明*, 藤田昌雄*, 鈴木英弘*, 田鎖治**, 青見茂之**, 橋本明政**, 小柳仁** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東京女子医科大学麻酔学教室, **東京女子医科大学付属心臓血圧研究所循環器外科 |
Journal | 循環制御 |
Volume | 15 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 272-276 |
Year/Month | 1994/ |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本循環制御医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」胸部下行大動脈瘤手術時の低酸素血症に対する新しい補助手段として, 熱交換器一体型小型膜型人工肺併用左心バイパス回路(LHBM)を考案し, また, 人工呼吸管理としてブロッカー付き気管内チューブによる右一側肺換気を行った. LHBMにより, 動脈血液ガスは上昇し, 右肺一側換気による麻酔管理を継続し, 術野側の左肺からdependent lungへの物理的圧迫による出血や分泌物が流れ込むのを防止することが可能であった. また, LHBMの熱交換器により低体温が予防でき, 術後管理を容易にした. 以上より, LHBMは従来の左心バイパスの欠点を補う新しい補助手段として, 麻酔管理上簡便かつ有用であった. |
Practice | 基礎医学・関連科学 |
Keywords | left heart bypass, membranous oxygenator, differential lung ventilation, descending aortic aneurysm |
English |
Title | A New Method with Membranous Oxygenator for the Graft Repair of Descecting Aortic Aneurysms during Left Heart Bypass Surgery |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Keiko Utida*, Minoru Nomura*, Tinami Nagasawa*, Eri Ashikari*, Keiko Yoshida*, Izumi Kondo*, Kimei Shirai*, Masao Fujita*, Hidehiro Suzuki*, Osamu Tagusari**, Shigeyuki Aomi**, Akimasa Hashimoto**, Hitoshi Koyanagi** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Anesthesiolosy,Tokyo Women's Medical College, **Department of Cardiovascular Surgery,Heart Institute of Japan,Tokyo Women's Medical College |
Journal | Circulation Control |
Volume | 15 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 272-276 |
Year/Month | 1994/ |
Article | Original article |
Publisher | Japan Society of Circulation Control |
Abstract | During grafting to repair decending aortic aneurysms in left heart bypass surgery, we have enocounterd some cases that manifest hypoxia by differential lung ventilation and severe hypothermia. To handle such cases, we have devised a new system that consists of a membranous oxygenator to be used during surgery. The six patients are intubated with an univent tube with a bronchial blocker and after an open thoracotomy, the right lung kept ventilated until the termination of the left heart bypass surgery, and the arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2) of each patient was well maintained during the operation. All patients had no respiratory complications after the operation. This method has two benefits. First, the non-dependent lung is able to be kept collapsed during the operation because of an increase in PaO2 with the use of this membranous oxygenator, thereby protecting dependent lung from damage due to surgical compression and preventing bleeding and secretions from flowing into the dependent lung. Second, the body temperature of the patient can be maintained with a heat exchanger that is a part of the membranous oxygenator. Based on our results, we have concluded that our new method of left heart bypass with a membranous oxygenator is convenient and useful for the management of patients undergoing to repair descending aortic aneurysms during left heart bypass surgery. |
Practice | Basic medicine |
Keywords | left heart bypass, membranous oxygenator, differential lung ventilation, descending aortic aneurysm |