Abstract | 「Abstract」During hepatectomy, prostaglandin E1(PGE1) was continuously administered to examine its usefulness in protecting hepatic funetions. Study 1:86 patients undergoing hepatectomy were divided into two groups:Group 1 (control group without PGE1 treatment) and Group 2 (continuous treatment with 20-50ng/kg/min PGE1 given intravenously during surgery). GOT, GPT rose rapidly after surgery in both group. Seven days after surgery were required for these parameters to return to their preoperative levels. After surgery, total bilirubin rose over time in both groups, reaching a peak on day 7. After surgery, in terms of the values of serum transaminases and bilirubin, no significant differences between groups were observed. Out of the 86 patients, 29 patients in whom only one hepatic segment or a part of one segment was resected, we reevaluated similar recovery course of liver functions. In both groups, GPT and GOT rose during the first two days after surgery, but decreased thereafter (a more rapid decrease occurred in Group 2). After surgery, total bilirubin rose in both groups, although the degree of increase was smaller in Group 2. Study 2:Resected liver tissues were examined for PGE1 concentrations, energy charge and lactate/pyruvate ratio. This results revealed a significant positive correlation between the total dose of PGE1 used in this study and the hepatic energy charge (P<0.0001), and a significant negative correlation between the total dose of PGE1 used in this study and the lactate/pyruvate ratio in liver tissue (p<0.05). These results indicate that PGE1 treatment during hepatectomy should be helpful in protecting liver cells and in improving postoperative hepatic fuctions. |