TitleFunctional and Metabolic Effects of Nicardipine and Diltiazem in the Rat Heart-lung Preparation
AuthorsMasaki Kume, Satoshi Kashimoto, Toshiaki Yamaguchi, Toshihiro Nakamura, Teruo Kumazawa
OrganizationDepartment of Anesthesiology, Yamanashi Medical University
JournalCirculation Control
ArticleOriginal article
PublisherJapan Society of Circulation Control
Abstract「Abstract」The functional and metabolic effects of nicardipine and diltiazem have been examined in the rat heart-lung preparation. Forty-eight Wistar-ST rats were anesthetized with isoflurane and prepared for the lung-heart models. The heart was perfused with Krebs-Ringer buffer solution containing with blood cells at a cardiac output of 30 ml・min-1 and systolic blood pressure of 10.7 kPa. Nicardipine (200 ng・ml-1, 400 ng・ml-1) or diltiazem (45 ng・ml-1, 450 ng・ml-1, 4500 ng・ml-1) was administered five minutes after the start of perfusion except in the control group. High energy phosphates (ATP, ADP and AMP), lactate and glycogen in the myocardium were measured after the thirty minutes perfusion. Nicardipine, 400 ng・ml-1, and diltiazem, 4500 ng・ml-1 depressed cardiac output and heart rate significantly. The therapeutic concentration of nicardipine is about 3.51100 ng・ml-1 and that of diltiazem is about 30-135 ng・ml-1. Therefore, the depressant effect of nicardipine seems to be more potent than that of diltiazem because 400 ng・ml-1 of nicardipine is closer to its therapeutic range than 4500 ng・ml-1 of diltiazem. However, there were no significant differences in myocardial ATP, ADP, AMP, lactate and glycogen levels among the all groups. Although there were no adverse effects on myocardial metabolism, the margin of safety of nicardipine may be narrower than that of diltiazem in their direct depressant effects on heart.
PracticeBasic medicine
KeywordsCardiac function, Cardiac metabolism, Nicardipine, Diltiazem, Rat heart
