Japanese |
Title | 逆行性脳灌流下での弓部大動脈再建手術における周術期合併症 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 藤井美江*, 野村実*, 長沢千奈美*, 小高桂子*, 近藤泉*, 鈴木英弘*, 青見茂之**, 橋本明政**, 小柳仁** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東都女子医科大学麻酔科学教室, **東都女子医科大学心臓血圧研究所循環器外科 |
Journal | 循環制御 |
Volume | 17 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 30-33 |
Year/Month | 1996/ |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本循環制御医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」超低体温循環停止下に逆行性脳灌流(RCP)を行った弓部大動脈瘤手術施行患者を, 高灌流(脳灌流圧30cm H2O, 脳灌流量300-500ml・min-1)でRCPを行った前期24例と低灌流(脳灌流圧20cm H20, 脳灌流量100-300ml・min-1)で行った後期30例に分けて, 周術期合併症について検討した. 前期では高灌流圧によると思われる一過性脳神経障害や, 覚醒遅延による呼吸器合併症が多かった. 後期では一過性脳神経障害は減少し, 同時に全身合併症も減少したが, 脳血管疾患既往例や緊急手術例で術後, 脳梗塞を残した. 以上より, 低灌流によるRCPは大動脈再建術の補助手段として有用であるが, リスクの高い症例の適応方法にはまだ課題が残されていると考えられた. |
Practice | 基礎医学・関連科学 |
Keywords | Aortic arch aneurysm, Retrograde cerebral perfusion, Perioperative complication |
English |
Title | Perioperative Complication in Aortic Arch Reconstruction Using Retrograde Cerebral Perfusion with Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Yoshie Fujii*, Minoru Nomura*, Chinami Nagasawa*, Keiko Kodaka*, Izumi Kondo*, Hidehiro Suzuki*, Shigeyuki Aomi**, Akimasa Hashimoto**, Hitoshi Koyanagi** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Departments of Anesthesiology, Tokyo Women's Medical College, **Cardiocvascular Surgery, The Heart Institute of Japan, Tokyo Women's Medical College |
Journal | Circulation Control |
Volume | 17 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 30-33 |
Year/Month | 1996/ |
Article | Original article |
Publisher | Japan Society of Circulation Control |
Abstract | We evaluated perioperative complieations in aortic arch reconstruction surgery using deep hypothermic circulatory arrest with retrograde cerebral perfusion (RCP). Fifty four patients were devided into two groups depending on RCP pressures;high (30 cm H2O, n=24) or low (20 cm H2O, n=30) RCP group. High RCP group, which sometimes caused brain edema, showed 20 % of transient cerebral ischemia and 12.5 % of consistent brain damage, whereas low RCP group showed no transient cerebral ischemia 0 % and 12.5 % of consistent brain damage. It is suggested that low RCP technique provided the better outcome in cerebral protection than high RCP, however there remains some limitations of cerebral protection during aortic arch surgery by RCP. (Circ Cont 17:30〜33, 1996) |
Practice | Basic medicine |
Keywords | Aortic arch aneurysm, Retrograde cerebral perfusion, Perioperative complication |