Japanese |
Title | 超音波プローブ穿刺針を用いた中心静脈穿刺〜再滅菌した針と試作した外針との比較検討〜 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 長谷川純*, 鈴木利保*, 福山東雄*, 滝口守*, 小田正敏** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東海大学医学部麻酔科学教室, **Unisis Corporation |
Journal | 循環制御 |
Volume | 21 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 267-270 |
Year/Month | 2000/ |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本循環制御医学会 |
Abstract | 超音波プローブを内蔵する穿刺針を用いた中心静脈穿刺の有用性について検討した. 90症例を対象とし, 30例ずつ以下の3群に分けた. A群を単回使用群, B群を再使用群(3回まで), C群を外針のみ交換群とした. 検討項目は1)穿刺時間2)動静脈音の鑑別3)針先を先進させた時の血液逆流の有無である. A群ではすべての症例で動静脈音の鑑別は可能であり, 先進時の逆流も全例で認められた. B群では動静脈音の鑑別は全例可能であったが, 先進時に逆流を認めたものは30例中17例(56.7%)であった. C群ではすべての症例で動静脈音の鑑別は可能であり, 先進時の逆流も全例で認められた. 再使用した穿刺針は, 針先が鈍になり, 超音波ガイド下の内頸静脈穿刺でも血管を強く圧迫し, 16ゲージ静脈穿刺針とほぼ同様の穿刺力になっていることが分かった. 試作針は超音波プローブやガイドワイヤを損傷しにくいように研磨されている. 超音波プローブを用いた中心静脈穿刺は極めて有効であるが, 再使用や再穿刺の時には著者らが試作した外針に代る方がよいと考える. |
Practice | 基礎医学・関連科学 |
Keywords | Ultrasonic probe, Central venous puncture, Prototype needle |
English |
Title | Central Venous Puncture Using a Puncture Needle with an Ultrasonic Probe ─A Comparison between a Prototype Outer Needle and Re-sterilized Conventional Needle─ |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Jun Hasegawa*, Toshiyasu Suzuki*, Haruo Fukuyama*, Mamoru Takiguchi*, Masatoshi Oda** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Anesthesiology,Tokai University School of Medicine, **Unisis Corporation |
Journal | Circulation Control |
Volume | 21 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 267-270 |
Year/Month | 2000/ |
Article | Original article |
Publisher | Japan Society of Circulation Control |
Abstract | Efficacy of central venous puncture using puncture needle with a built-in ultrasonic probe was evaluated. A total of 90 patients were divided into 3 groups each consisting of 30 patients: Group A; single usage, Group B; multi-usage (limited to 3 times) and Group C; only outer needle exchanged. 1)Time used for puncture, 2)differentiation between arterial and venous sounds and 3)reflux of blood were examined. For Group A, arterial and venous sounds were differentiated and blood reflux was verified in all cases. For Group B, arterial and venous sounds were differentiated in all cases, however, blood reflux verification was limited to 17 of the 30 cases (56.7%). For Group C, arterial and venous sounds were differentiated and blood reflux was verified in all cases. The tip of a re-used puncture needle became dull causing intense compression of the internal jugular vein even when puncturing under ultrasonic guide. The force necessary for venous puncture using this type of needle was equivalent to that of a 16-gauge venous catheter needle. The prototype needle was polished so as not to damage the ultrasonic probe or guide wire. Central venous puncture using a puncture needle with ultrasonic probe is an effective method. However, the outer needle should be exchanged to our prototype for multiple usage and redundant punctures. |
Practice | Basic medicine |
Keywords | Ultrasonic probe, Central venous puncture, Prototype needle |