TitleManagement of Emergency Surgery on a Home Oxygen Therapy Patient Presenting with Hemorrhagic Shock : A Case Report
AuthorsYoshiteru Yoshioka**, Ryu Okutani*, Akiko Nakano*, Ryusuke Ueki*, Hideki Noma*, Yasuzumi Hirai*, Hideki Yao**
Organization*Intensive Care Unit, Hyogo College of Medicine and Hospital, **Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
JournalCirculation Control
PublisherJapan Society of Circulation Control
AbstractIntroduction As patients on a home oxygen therapy are increasing in number, there are many chances for perioperative management of those patients who often develop pulmonary and cardiac problems. Now, we report an anesthetic and post-operative management of a home oxygen therapy (HOT) patient who presented with severe pulmonary dysfunction and hemorrhagic shock due to the rupture of an iliac arterial aneurysm. Case report The patient was a 79-year-old female, (height; 155cm, weight;40kg.) who showed dyspnea since 1995. Respiratory function tests revealed, FEV1.0 550 ml(47%)and vital, capacity 1,160 ml (52%). Her arterial blood gas data showed pH 7.381, PaCO2 55mmHg, PaO2 48mmHg, and base excess(BE)+1.5mEq・I-1. She was followed up as an outpatient. Her condition began to deteriorate in 1997 and a HOT was started. The oxygen flow was needed 1l・min-1 at rest and 3l・min-1 during exercise. The patient had hypothyroidism since 1995 for which thyroxine 75 μg・day-1 was orally administered. Chest x-ray revealed typical emphysema accentuated radiolucent of the lung field, drop heart, and low and flattened diaphragm.
PracticeBasic medicine
Keywordshome oxygen therapy, severe pulmonary dysfunction, hemorrhagic shock, intensive care
