Japanese |
Title | 開心術後に発生するalopecia |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 大江容子*, 佐藤啓子* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東京女子医科大学附属第2病院麻酔科 |
Journal | 循環制御 |
Volume | 10 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 617-621 |
Year/Month | 1989/ |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本循環制御医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」開心術後に発生するalopeciaと体外循環中の深部温変動について検討した. 対象症例は, 先天性心疾患患者13例と後天性心疾患患者28例で, 術後, 後頭部に発赤, 腫脹, 圧痛, 脱毛を生じたALP(+)群, 生じなかったALP(-)群とに分けた. 術中の体温測定は前額深部温と足底深部温とし, 体外循環中の冷却時および加温時の単位時間当たりの温度変化率△T1, △T2と足底・前額深部温変化率比△T-SFを算出し, 2群間で比較した. 後頭部の発赤, 腫脹, 圧痛は11例に, 脱毛は6例に見られた. 先天性心疾患では△T1-SFはALP(+)群が0.0729±0.017とALP(-)群0.245±0.068より有意(p<0.05)に小さく, △T2-SFはALP(+)群で-0.086±0.107と負の値を示した. 後天性心疾患では2群間に差は見られなかった. 先天性心疾患症例では, 体外循環中の深部温変動により, 術後のalopecia発生を予測できると思われた. |
Practice | 基礎医学・関連科学 |
Keywords | Alopecia, Deep body temperature, Cardiopulmonary bypass |
English |
Title | Occurrence of Alopecia after Open heart surgery |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Yoko Ohe, Keiko Sato |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Anesthesiology Tokyo Women's Medical College Daini Hospital |
Journal | Circulation Control |
Volume | 10 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 617-621 |
Year/Month | 1989/ |
Article | Original article |
Publisher | Japan Society of Circulation Control |
Abstract | Occurrence of alopecia after open heart surgery was investigated in relation to the variations in deep body temperature during cardiopulmonary bypass. The cases were 41 patients comprising 13 with congenital heart disease and 28 acquired heart disease. These patients were divided into those who developed postoperative reddening, swelling, tenderness and hair loss in the occipital region MP(+) group and those who did not ALP(-) group. The foreheat deep body temperature and sole deep body temperature were determined during surgery. The rates of temperature variations per unit time (ΔT1-F・DT, S・DT, ΔT2-F・DT, S・DT) and the sole forehead deep body temperature ratio while cooling (Δ1-SF) and rewarming (ΔT2-SF) during cardiopulmonary bypass were calculated, and compared between the two groups. Reddening, swelling and tenderness occurred in 11 patients, and hair loss in 6 patients. Among the patients with congenital heart disease, ΔT1-SF was siginificantly lower in the ALP(+) group (0.0729±0.017) than in the ALP(-) (0.245±0.068) (p<0.05). ΔT2-SF was negative, -0.086±0.107, in the ALP(+) group. Among the patients with acquired heart disease, there was no difference between the two groups. Thus, it seems that postoperative alopecia can be predicted in patients with congenital heart disease in terms of the variations in deep body temperature during cardiopulmonary bypass. |
Practice | Basic medicine |
Keywords | Alopecia, Deep body temperature, Cardiopulmonary bypass |