Japanese |
Title | 冠動脈バイパス手術中・後における血漿エンドセリン濃度の変動 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 長谷敦子*, 成松元治**, 緒方良治***, 鳥羽晃子*, 萬屋勇治*, 澄川耕二**** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *国立長崎中央病院麻酔科, **国立長崎中央病院心臓血管外科, ***大分県立病院麻酔科, ****長崎大学医学部麻酔学教室 |
Journal | 循環制御 |
Volume | 18 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 62-66 |
Year/Month | 1997/ |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本循環制御医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」冠動脈バイパス予定手術患者6名における血漿エンドセリン(ET)濃度の推移を橈骨動脈, 肺動脈, 左房より採血して調べ, プロスタグランディンE1(PGE1)とプロタミン投与の影響についても検討をおこなった. 橈骨動脈のET値は, 体外循環後は前に比べて2倍以上に上昇, 手術翌朝のET値は更に3倍以上の高値を示した. 採血部位によるET-1濃度差は見られず, PGE1の投与及びプロタミン投与によるET値の変動はなかった. この結果は, ETは体外循環が主な分泌刺激となるが, 術後もET分泌刺激が持続することを示している. また肺ではクリアランスを受けないことが示唆される. |
Practice | 基礎医学・関連科学 |
Keywords | Endothelin-1, Cardiopulmonary bypass, CABG surgery, Pulmonary clearance, Prostaglandin E1, Protamin |
English |
Title | Plasma Endothelin Concentrations during and after CABG surgery |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Atsuko Nagatani*, Motoharu Narimatsu**, Ryoji Ogata***, Koko Toba*, Yuji Yorozuya*, Koji Sumikawa**** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Departments of Anesthesiology, National Nagasaki Chuo Hospital, **Cardiovascular Surgery, National Nagasaki Chuo Hospital, ***Department of Anesthesiology, Ooita Prefectural Hosoital, ****Department of Anesthesiology, Nagasaki University School of Medicine |
Journal | Circulation Control |
Volume | 18 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 62-66 |
Year/Month | 1997/ |
Article | Original article |
Publisher | Japan Society of Circulation Control |
Abstract | Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a powerful physiological vasoconstrictor. Although cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) would stimulate the secretion of ET-1, the change of plasma ET-1 in various vascular beds has not been fully investigated. This study was carried out to evaluate the change of plasma ET-1 during and after CABG surgery in the systemic and pulmonary circulation. Six patients undergoing CABG surgery were studied. The plasma ET-1 concentration significantly increased after CPB, which continued to increase until the first post operative day. There were no differences in the ET-1 concentrations among the sites sampled. The administration of prostaglandin E1 or protamin had no influence on the ET-1 concentrations. No patients showed any ischemic episodes. We conclude that there is a significant increase in plasma ET-1 during and after CABG surgery. (Circ Cont 18:62〜66, 1997) |
Practice | Basic medicine |
Keywords | Endothelin-1, Cardiopulmonary bypass, CABG surgery, Pulmonary clearance, Prostaglandin E1, Protamin |